(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[6.50]TM[3600]OT[15/300 Canadian]GN[Shusaku Cup 2010 round 1 board 2]PW[Yanqi Zhang]PB[Catalin Taranu]WR[6단]BR[5단]DT[2010-03-26]EV[Shusaku Cup 2010 round 1 board 2]RO[1]PC[Tirgu Mures, Romania]C[lalalalala [1k]: manlalalalala [1k]: catalin playing !!lalalalala [1k]: how am i going to complete my report ? ^^;;brule: Hmm, isn't Yanqi Zhang an incredibly beautiful girl?lalalalala [1k]: she isByakuyaK [8k]: what time do they start at?brule: Hmm, well, I thought I would watch board 1, but perhaps I should reconsider. Go Yanqi!nedmunds: who's winning ?brule: I thought they started a half hour ago, to be honest.UPR [4k?]: Yanqi is readylalalalala [1k]: she looks stressed :/jamesbonds [5k]: 中國人?MrZNF [2d]: she looks calm and pretty :)UPR [4k?]: no she falled asleep alreadyMrZNF [2d]: maybe a bit nervouslalalalala [1k]: maybe from playing w against this 5p ;-)UPR [4k?]: Yanqi has a nice dressA1R [5k]: linklalalalala [1k]: ppl there are dressed very casual !lazzy002 [8k?]: http://eurogotv.com/index.php?menu=Live&channel=EuroGoTV2UPR [4k?]: here you are http://eurogotv.com/index.php?menu=Live&channel=EuroGoTV2UPR [4k?]: strong girl :-)A1R [5k]: thxA1R [5k]: for linklalalalala [1k]: poor darling she's really nervous ^_^Lancetre [1k]: Nice place to play a good game between strong playerMrZNF [2d]: lalalalala, you wouldn't be? =pjamesbonds [5k]: she looks young and prettylalalalala [1k]: most probably :-)MrZNF [2d]: I'm always nervous before a game really, even if it's against someone supposedly weaker then me. It's good to be a bit nervous :)UPR [4k?]: all asians girl looks young and pretty MrZNF [2d]: even if they aren't young anymore hihi :)jamesbonds [5k]: how old is she ?Koffein [-]: 21 or 22 afaikUPR [4k?]: 18 imoMrZNF [2d]: could be 20 could be 12brule: I have a feeling this 85% of this kibitz will be flirting with our attractive heroine. ^^UPR [4k?]: so where is CatalinUPR [4k?]: when the game starts?MrZNF [2d]: brule has seen our futurebaned4life: Have you seen catalin winning percentage it is crazy. 1 year he won 80 percentMrZNF [2d]: we must abide!lalalalala [1k]: i'll rather be praising b's style all the timeA1R [5k]: 10min startbrule: Thanks, A1R.A1R [5k]: npisbhal [-]: .wrongkyu [2k]: how many hc?brule: She just played two moves! :-)Koffein [-]: did she just play a 3-5 / 4-5 shimari? oObrule: Even game, wrongkyu.brule: She was probably practicing slamming down the stones to intimidate Catalin.LastPoet [-]: just need to sit and smile to distract ;)jamesbonds [5k]: does she come from japan ?brule: China, I think.Koffein [-]: her name sounds chinesewrongkyu [2k]: where i can see table list?A1R [5k]: w is from chinajamesbonds [5k]: really ~FITNESS [8d]: lol who is this guy jamesbonds [5k]: in seong hwangFairyTale [4d]: i think that's hwang in-seongUPR [4k?]: hey what are the doingFairyTale [4d]: yeahMyIronLung [3k]: wait til catalin finds hwang in his chairA1R [5k]: he was korean 1st class inseievanj [2d]: do you think there will be a smackdown?brule: I think he will politely ask him to move.evanj [2d]: :(FITNESS [8d]: does hwang speak chinese?A1R [5k]: who is that girl besides yanqi?A1R [5k]: donnaKoffein [-]: donna who?evanj [2d]: donna you wish you knewwrongkyu [2k]: that girl strong kgs kibitzKuwabara [6d]: Hwang and Yanqi chat in englishFITNESS [8d]: i guess this is hwang's way of getting ready A1R [5k]: yesbrule: I guess Dinerchtein is not playing?A1R [5k]: yesA1R [5k]: i guess tooUPR [4k?]: Yanqi from China?FITNESS [8d]: must beA1R [5k]: she isUPR [4k?]: thxA1R [5k]: studies in franceA1R [5k]: studys*A1R [5k]: who is the other asian girl on board 2?brule: "Donna"K0ubic [2k]: Wong vanessaA1R [5k]: okA1R [5k]: thx, k0ubicK0ubic [2k]: she was 2nd at the european youth go championship 2010 under 16yolalalalala [1k]: they look great playing like thisbrule: In-Seong is going to forget where his board is at,jamesbonds [5k]: hahalalalalala [1k]: looks very fighty !lalalalala [1k]: wow, double hanelurrch [2k]: why isnt the game being mirror here?lalalalala [1k]: not the official game, those are squatting the place ^^RayFrost [7k]: hey, why can't I see anything happening?lalalalala [1k]: hehe, got kicked out ^^evanj [2d]: are you blind?jamesbonds [5k]: startUPR [4k?]: Yanqi is getting nervousgolem59 [2k]: nice gameUPR [4k?]: ;-))evanj [2d]: because that might explain itUPR [4k?]: "tjis is my table!"UPR [4k?]: this*gvyjhj: varnessar wong were playlalalalala [1k]: now this is cute ^_^brule: Pretty girls. :-)brule: I bet we all sound very creepy...UPR [4k?]: who is this gentlmanlurrch [2k]: lol i was just thinking that about everyone saying stufflurrch [2k]: its not like shes even dressed remotely suggestivelyklabauter [2d]: Is this the first round?lalalalala [1k]: you do sound creepy =pgvyjhj: this dude pro seat warmer?lalalalala [1k]: yuplalalalala [1k]: watch the fine work ^^brule: Hard job.brule: He has a gig in Japan in an hour.gvyjhj: tough work requires water sippagejamesbonds [5k]: where is catalin taranu ?EuroGoTV2 [-]: Bonjour tout le monde!C'est Yanqi!On va bientot commencer et j'espere pouvoir gagner de toute facon,hehelalalalala [1k]: :-)lalalalala [1k]: on est avec toi !UPR [4k?]: don't understand anything];B[cp];W[pd];B[qp]C[sloppyplay [10k?]: no handi?];W[cd]C[chrpa [1d]: of course notbrule: No handi, all games even... except for the handis tonight.chrpa [1d]: it will be an event game];B[ed];W[ec]C[chrpa [1d]: *even game];B[fc]C[brule: Go Yanqi!];W[dc]C[MyIronLung [3k]: its an even eventlalalalala [1k]: connectsloppyplay [10k?]: i thought pros are supposed to give handi just like yesterday?MrZNF [2d]: r14 chrpa [1d]: aha, no sloppy, yestearday demonstration gamebrule: Tonight, sloppy. This game is part of the tournament.chrpa [1d]: today first round of tourneyMichi86 [9k]: there will be handi games later today also i thinkchrpa [1d]: yesKoffein [-]: no handy in top grouplalalalala [1k]: lol, b looks nervous toosloppyplay [10k?]: oh i see. thx guys.chrpa [1d]: npJeansebL [2d]: where can I see the parings ?UPR [4k?]: nice seatsbrule: B just need to keep his eyes fixed on the board.];B[fg]C[brule: See shusaku1's info, Jean. Possibly there.JeansebL [2d]: thanksEuroGoTV1 [-]: live TV broadcast of this game on http://eurogotv.com/index.php?menu=Live&channel=EuroGoTV2lalalalala [1k]: aaaaaah beauty move !!EuroGoTV2 [-]: www.shusaku.robrule: Is it? I can't tell.isbhal [-]: oh yeah !!!isbhal [-]: ifluence*lalalalala [1k]: i love this];W[ep]C[FITNESS [8d]: if i were w i'd rather approach the LR corner firstMrZNF [2d]: I like white =)brule: Wel all do, ZNF.kuikentje [3d]: why is that, FITNESS?FITNESS [8d]: i really dont knowFITNESS [8d]: just my feelingkuikentje [3d]: ^^ I seebrule: 8d feeling is a good reason, in my opinion.lalalalala [1k]: it got b thinking, not a good sign ;-)MrZNF [2d]: 6d feeling is a good reason to play on the left too :)];B[gq]C[brule: Probably just trying to think of how best to utilize his strange move.MrZNF [2d]: and maybe she has a plan :)Welvang [4d]: go go yanqiMrFofi [3d]: i think the same now black can chose to use f13 influencelalalalala [1k]: yesgvyjhj: gogogogo catalin!!!Skinner [7k?]: Catalin will loose this one :)lalalalala [1k]: it was a trap from blazzy002 [8k?]: is catalin the only go pro in Romania?MrFofi [3d]: yes];W[cq]C[UPR [4k?]: E5 seems not good in this positionlalalalala [1k]: to lose is not spelled that wayUPR [4k?]: ohUPR [4k?]: e6gvyjhj: catalin a japanese style hasLoop [5k]: yoda ?UPR [4k?]: f6* I should shut up :)MrZNF [2d]: e6 is bad, it would let black connect at e3MrZNF [2d]: f5 you mean?UPR [4k?]: yesMrZNF [2d]: the kosumi, meh, I don't like to play that in generalUPR [4k?]: I am afraid of playin c3 etc];B[go]C[gvyjhj: c3 safe don't fearlalalalala [1k]: wowkuikentje [3d]: ohkuikentje [3d]: I like this idealalalalala [1k]: b is creativeLancetre [1k]: that's unusualUPR [4k?]: not so commonkenjiro43 [7k]: Go Catalin!lalalalala [1k]: not plodding through joseki, i like itgvyjhj: new jokeseki?UPR [4k?]: b4? or maybe m3?daladim [1d]: c5 ?kuikentje [3d]: d4 is natural imochrpa [1d]: not playing joseki leaves weakness otherwise the others would play it beforelalalalala [1k]: now b plan for a huge moyo is obviouslalalalala [1k]: this must be better than usual joseki... whole board playChameau20 [11k]: G5 is also very aggressiv];W[dn]C[brule: Did anyone search f13 in a DB?UPR [4k?]: g3-g5 works nice with f13 imolalalalala [1k]: F13 is not so rareLacrimosa [2d?]: no need, f13 is a josekibrule: Really?UPR [4k?]: yuplalalalala [1k]: really, from Takemiya i believewrongkyu [2k]: pro b... so coolMyIronLung [3k]: c13 is w follow upbrule: Thanks.shusaku1 [-]: today Luo Xihe 9p will play 2H game with Ilya Shiksin];B[bo]C[PQnelson [23k?]: really?!kenjiro43 [7k]: Wow!Yanwangye [-]: when?lalalalala [1k]: b gets miaikenjiro43 [7k]: Thank youshusaku1 [-]: and Huang Yizhong will play 3H game with ArtemShikasta [1k]: where is b from?kenjiro43 [7k]: Multumim ShusakuUPR [4k?]: Romaniakenjiro43 [7k]: :)lalalalala [1k]: D3 or C7gvyjhj: some really weird shape hereShikasta [1k]: thxlalalalala [1k]: classical shapes :-)evanj [2d]: this is beautifullalalalala [1k]: both play a creative opening though, good gameretek [12k]: where can i find the pairings??brule: www.shusaku.rolalalalala [1k]: can you read info ?chrpa [1d]: www.shusaku.rolalalalala [1k]: i don't know how to continue for wkuikentje [3d]: me neitherevanj [2d]: neither does he, apparentlylalalalala [1k]: B3 possible ?lalalalala [1k]: she =pUPR [4k?]: d4 is correct shape imoUPR [4k?]: or maybe tenuki?kuikentje [3d]: yes, but d4 feels very slacklalalalala [1k]: but b B3 is tiger mouth, too good for bgvyjhj: b5 crediblekuikentje [3d]: d4 instead of d6 would have been better than playing d4 nowkuikentje [3d]: so white looks for something more activelalalalala [1k]: agreeevanj [2d]: oh indeedbaned4life: but the thing is I dont think catalin could play this way against a proShikasta [1k]: yes d6 causing w some problemseloh [2d]: is b5 can be early? maybe first o3 or r10 for black ?gvyjhj: but maybe not enough punishmentlalalalala [1k]: B5 nice, have w commit];W[bn]C[Shikasta [1k]: also may strengthen g3 stonesevanj [2d]: this is utter madnesslalalalala [1k]: w stresses the left sidekuikentje [3d]: I think Catalin plays what he thinks is best, baned4life, regardless of his opponent's strengthlalalalala [1k]: but F13 makes the left side not so fertile for w ?AndroidKs [4k]: i bet black would play d3, anyone want to take that?gvyjhj: b would be seal in cornerwhiterhino [11k]: Captain the best baned4life: f13 is not a real moveevanj [2d]: it certainly iskuikentje [3d]: oh but it isfatihsulak [-]: white planning to sacrifice corner MrZNF [2d]: just look at this real move shining on that boardevanj [2d]: f13 is josekiMrZNF [2d]: it's as real as a move can getShikasta [1k]: whats the tv link?lalalalala [1k]: it's not 3rd line so it's not a real move for you, that's it ?baned4life: not in the opening thoughbrule: http://eurogotv.com/index.php?menu=Live&channel=EuroGoTV2evanj [2d]: yes, in the openingShikasta [1k]: thxsbaned4life: I will look it uplalalalala [1k]: you'll be surprised :-)Yanwangye [-]: d5`?kimball [4d?]: if d3 w gets a lot of nice moves at the outsidebrule: B will probably tenuki.lalalalala [1k]: b doesn't want to make a tiny corner nowShikasta [1k]: looks like a backbreaking game of goMrFofi [3d]: e5gvyjhj: e5 c5?gvyjhj: nohieulocke [4k]: d3Lancetre [1k]: I BET ON D3Lancetre [1k]: (oups)Zog [3d]: no way :)Lancetre [1k]: heheLancetre [1k]: où alors ?solei: e5 nicebrule: I bet on a local tenuki.lalalalala [1k]: w is satisfied with her movewhiterhino [11k]: b doesn't want to be overconcentred, goban is so huge kimball [4d?]: b3 is worth considering too or even tenukiAndroidKs [4k]: e5 is more interesting thoughZog [3d]: I would have tenukied for black before B5Shikasta [1k]: how old is w?lalalalala [1k]: old questionZog [3d]: around 22Shikasta [1k]: kkimball [4d?]: perhaps b5 is an indikation that b will not tenuki nowChameau20 [11k]: After E5 F5 for white or something else ?lalalalala [1k]: oh no, b is starting to take a dinerchtein posekillerGO [5k]: A Girl!!?? GUYS ITS A GIRL, HONESTLY !!lalalalala [1k]: like he's gonna leap out of his seat any momentkillerGO [5k]: AND another one, girls, they are playing gobrule: Dinerchtein pose is a gargoyle-esque pose, not this.baned4life: f13 has been played before when black is already in moyo mode. The results are mostly losses.lalalalala [1k]: ok too much capskillerGO [5k]: i cant believe i so a girl!brule: Pretty girl.gvyjhj: she not uglyShikasta [1k]: they exist out there in the real world u knowMrFofi [3d]: e5 work good with f13killerGO [5k]: i heard that about a real worldkillerGO [5k]: but in go world?!killerGO [5k]: im so exited^^tianren [?]: e5 is nice, but it creates a messHaven [?]: w looks bored o.Oolag [3k]: e5? are you serious mr fofiUPR [4k?]: rather happyisbhal [-]: longggYanwangye [-]: where is B from?brule: Romaniaolag [3k]: roumaniemooooo [10k]: romaniaYanwangye [-]: and 5d pro??Chameau20 [11k]: F 4 ?lalalalala [1k]: i hope alex will play, not so much for his go but cause he's so funny at the table ;-)olag [3k]: he have play with mogo in 9*9Shikasta [1k]: e5 looks very tricky for bbrule: Too early for e5?killerGO [5k]: he should get handicap, he is 2 stones weakerolag [3k]: what look e5?lalalalala [1k]: tenuki seems badbaned4life: Catalin did win a tournament to become pro. Thats what I read.adrienfou [11k]: so longgggggggkillerGO [5k]: oh, so he is not a real prokillerGO [5k]: i seebrule: Catalin is a Korean pro.JeansebL [2d]: japanese....MrFofi [3d]: that was 25 years agolalalalala [1k]: go play blitz if you don't have patienceYanwangye [-]: pro = pro...brule: Japanese? /checksMrFofi [3d]: i was thereJeansebL [2d]: i became pro, the traditionnal way in japanlalalalala [1k]: congratsJeansebL [2d]: he*JeansebL [2d]: not I lollalalalala [1k]: :-)Haven [?]: lolkuikentje [3d]: Catalin is a pro in the Nihon Kiin (Japan)kuikentje [3d]: and yes he is a real pro -_-brule: Japanese pro* sorry.JeansebL [2d]: yesRayFrost [7k]: pro = pro until pro != pro, in which case pro != pro and rocks fall, everything diesbudda [3k]: euro go poszedł na piwo?Haven [?]: lolkillerGO [5k]: he cant be a pro he forgot how to play joseki in upper left?tianren [?]: he is not an honoured proHaven [?]: w leftjamesbonds [5k]: left = =f23scxz: b's strategy is making w dying boredbokken [6d]: f13 is josekiHaven [?]: why did i think they didnt mix men and women in go?saimic [2k]: i love this comments..RayFrost [7k]: how much time is b spending?bokken [6d]: just not one for 5kbaned4life: a pro game is 5 hoursWojciech [2k]: nie poszedł - koleś myśli ;)baned4life: This is actually blitzbaned4life: in my opinionRayFrost [7k]: I couldn't play an hour long game in person];B[eo]C[Haven [?]: lolMyIronLung [3k]: its easier on a real boardRayFrost [7k]: I'd be too unconfortable sitting in a chair for that long (or sitting seiza style)lalalalala [1k]: you have tokillerGO [5k]: nie pish polski tu!AndroidKs [4k]: wow he's goodgvyjhj: here we go!lalalalala [1k]: sign up for a tournamenttianren [?]: yay i guessed it];W[do];B[dp]C[lalalalala [1k]: then you'll know what it's really like to play go :-)olag [3k]: i can't understand e5];W[dq]C[lalalalala [1k]: good, my seqRayFrost [7k]: no thanks, lalalalalalala [1k]: why not ?RayFrost [7k]: time zonesRayFrost [7k]: they kill everythingjamesbonds [5k]: ...killerGO [5k]: hay there was fat XL 9progvyjhj: e3 f4 b3 surely...seppy [3k?]: b3?Koukkaaja [3d]: classic josekikillerGO [5k]: he is gonna win for sure!lalalalala [1k]: ohAndroidKs [4k]: e3 b4 then black again gains littlelalalalala [1k]: first time is see this branchgvyjhj: this joseki :o??saimic [2k]: e3 only?lalalalala [1k]: B4 ?? (pukes)];B[eq]C[RayFrost [7k]: b4 doesn't seem too bad for whitelalalalala [1k]: ah, as w :-)PQnelson [23k?]: pretty nice set upseppy [3k?]: b4Analysis [3d]: f4 gives influenceRayFrost [7k]: does w want influence here?lalalalala [1k]: that's sente ponnuki for b ?MrFofi [3d]: and senteJEGO [9k]: yanki zhang is the 2009 french open championshiplololol: aaint aaits no tink rait moves not boolsitAnalysis [3d]: i'd say take influenceAnalysis [3d]: 10 points in corner is nothingAnalysis [3d]: f4 :whiterhino [11k]: the game is about who'll keep the sente ?lalalalala [1k]: not quitegvyjhj: she want a profitMrFofi [3d]: f4 w badRayFrost [7k]: not reallygvyjhj: b4 playedRayFrost [7k]: (responding to whiter)];W[bp]C[whiterhino [11k]: :)];B[co];W[ao];B[fp];W[cn]C[RayFrost [7k]: a5, f4, c6];B[ep];W[br]C[whiterhino [11k]: catalin likes keeps senté];B[oq]C[gvyjhj: K shapelalalalala [1k]: great for b anywayMyIronLung [3k]: damnShikasta [1k]: i prefer b after thatlockhart [3d]: so thicklalalalala [1k]: a bit ugly, but quite thickRayFrost [7k]: looks like a mutant slugFITNESS [8d]: what a strange gamelalalalala [1k]: lollalalalala [1k]: so this is a joseki ? :-)baned4life: I think white can resign nowbrule: Isn't B overconcentrated?UPR [4k?]: b overconcentratedlalalalala [1k]: you mean w ?whiterhino [11k]: lolTapwater [8k]: but overconcentrated in sente :Obrule: NBo, I mean B.RayFrost [7k]: p3 is obviously gote, tapwaterRayFrost [7k]: I don't know what youa re talking aboutlalalalala [1k]: b played a few damegvyjhj: r10 suppose naturalTapwater [8k]: p3 is not near concentration...Syptryn [3d]: I think white did better bo9t leftKoukkaaja [3d]: i think we underconcentrategvyjhj: mabye r13lalalalala [1k]: but, w feels underdeveloppedRayFrost [7k]: c10 area seems big?lalalalala [1k]: R10 maaaaaybeRayFrost [7k]: or k17 area?Syptryn [3d]: R-10 looks bigWillHaven [12k]: does anyone have the time setting on this game?nostory [5k]: i think b can still win thisbrule: True. Weird result.Syptryn [3d]: P5Syptryn [3d]: might be goodwhiterhino [11k]: gote or keep sente for w? ];W[pj];B[pl]C[Haven [?]: oh well that simple enoughlalalalala [1k]: okjamesbonds [5k]: oh~~~Haven [?]: thats*gvyjhj: grow some bignessRayFrost [7k]: (the time settings are 60 mintes with 15 5 minute byo yomi periods, I think, will)MrFofi [3d]: i know catalin for 30 years i like his play game over in influenceWillHaven [12k]: thanks a lot, Ray;)brule: Options > Ruleslalalalala [1k]: b is beautiful fujichan [-]: Go Yanqi !!! =brule: W is beautiful.RayFrost [7k]: lala knows what b looks like?RayFrost [7k]: brule knows what w looks lie?RayFrost [7k]: *likeRayFrost [7k]: :ogvyjhj: w strong chinaRayFrost [7k]: racist! *slaps gvy*RayFrost [7k]: okay, enough jokes from melalalalala [1k]: i mean his go, but he looks handsome too ^^];W[nk]C[Haven [?]: i like his jacketRayFrost [7k]: hahahaha.Haven [?]: i want that jacket xDjamesbonds [5k]: buy it lalalalala [1k]: i like how he seems just as nervous as wlalalalala [1k]: wow, w is goind to swallow F13];B[md]C[Haven [?]: no waibrule: These moves are fun.lalalalala [1k]: woaw one of my favourite movesDeaconJohn [8k]: mutual invasionbrule: Never see a two space high approach.AndroidKs [4k]: k4!whiterhino [11k]: nice shapelalalalala [1k]: b flow feels natural !gvyjhj: w surpriseDeaconJohn [8k]: 2 space high approach is in joseki books. go seigen reccomends itwhiterhino [11k]: works well with the wall isn't it ?Shikasta [1k]: wall?Lancetre [1k]: he doesn't want to let a pincer and threaten f17kimball [4d?]: q14 i think nowlalalalala [1k]: w can get a 3rd corner but then, no more development :(];W[om]C[Haven [?]: kewl];B[pm]C[lalalalala [1k]: yeaaaah she has guts !baned4life: I think that was too agressivegvyjhj: bad shoulder hit???];W[on];B[pn]C[jamesbonds [5k]: no];W[jd]C[seppy [3k?]: hahagvyjhj: haha take a fightseppy [3k?]: nice game!brule: Pincer anyway.Encor [5k]: its strange ...it seems we can take d4 c4 c5 b5 away from the board with not so much diferenceDeaconJohn [8k]: looks like bad shoulder hit, to meUPR [4k?]: b has more cashbrule: It's move 38...baned4life: white just solidified blacks corner and white got nothing reallyKoukkaaja [3d]: they should respect Shusaku and play more cosmicDeaconJohn [8k]: y];B[jf]C[gvyjhj: hohoHaven [?]: lollalalalala [1k]: they're doing good in my book, much better than board 1saimic [2k]: cosmic boshijamesbonds [5k]: ...brule: B was bound to make points, there but W limited potential.brule: Can't take away everything.DeaconJohn [8k]: koukaaja - balck is, white isn'tChameau20 [11k]: Is M15 possible ?lalalalala [1k]: so many treat moves from b alreadyKuwabara [6d]: fun gamegoodattack [1d]: M15 only movelalalalala [1k]: M15 risks the cornerdib [1d]: i wouldnt play M15 now, Q16 looks too weakEncor [5k]: n15 could be possiblewhiterhino [11k]: L14 or?MrFofi [3d]: look at p10 cutDeaconJohn [8k]: m15 might induce black to play around q13lalalalala [1k]: w should take care of her back :/ she all bent down !];W[le];B[me];W[mf]C[Tapwater [8k]: w reminds me of L from death notegvyjhj: both bent downlalalalala [1k]: magariAndroidKs [4k]: white has the upperhand?saimic [2k]: b q15 and then crosscutrytm [?]: l15 lalalalala [1k]: w would not R15AndroidKs [4k]: q15 then crosscut at where?seppy [3k?]: m14MrFofi [3d]: q15lalalalala [1k]: b doesn't like getting attacked like thislalalalala [1k]: it shows ^^];B[ld]C[lalalalala [1k]: hehehehewhiterhino [11k]: try to connect lalalalala [1k]: just shape movegvyjhj: at least b cool moves have follows up ];W[ke]C[lalalalala [1k]: relayer is lagging ^^];B[nf]C[cthufoo [6k?]: q17Yanwangye [-]: looks good for b or?lalalalala [1k]: yeahChameau20 [11k]: G16 now ?Yanwangye [-]: nolalalalala [1k]: this is really interesting, but my report is a bit stalled ^_^jamesbonds [5k]: ?Yanwangye [-]: nobi];W[mg]C[ilc [13k]: why not o15lalalalala [1k]: P15 enough ?gvyjhj: can sacrifice for big corner];B[ng]C[lalalalala [1k]: ho hoseppy [3k?]: eurogoseppy [3k?]: n12?solei: and r 17 for black :)whiterhino [11k]: Q16 looks like Ryan's soldierone more N12 or?];W[mh];B[pf];W[qf]C[MrFofi [3d]: r15whiterhino [11k]: P15?jamesbonds [5k]: nolololol: : )XRF [1d]: R15?solei: r 16MrFofi [3d]: i would play r15];B[qg]C[AndroidKs [4k]: guess they'll settle on joseki now];W[qe]C[seppy [3k?]: w ahead?lalalalala [1k]: what joseki ?solei: m4Encor [5k]: dont think w is aheadlalalalala [1k]: look at b shape on the upper leftlalalalala [1k]: then think of M4 againXRF [1d]: P17>ptpt [4d]: the left side will not be big, but the lower side has a nice territory potential for blackMrFofi [3d]: p11lalalalala [1k]: left is big when F13 group under attackqgo [4k]: never go back to repair weak pointsfujichan [-]: What is the clock for players ?lalalalala [1k]: right, let the opponent expose them for youIcare [1d]: q18 nowkuikentje [3d]: hehkuikentje [3d]: I would also want to play q18kuikentje [3d]: but it might be dangerousCaptcavern [6k]: around r12 needed ?JEGO [9k]: Catalin S13 possible?Captcavern [6k]: :)Icare [1d]: s13 is too... normalwhiterhino [11k]: what about Q11?JEGO [9k]: but cutting move o15MrFofi [3d]: p11betterEncor [5k]: p8 ?seppy [3k?]: why p11?Icare [1d]: I bet on q18 JEGO [9k]: too passiveMrFofi [3d]: to cut the two groupshilarious [1d]: b playing so weird];B[ph]C[lalalalala [1k]: not quiteseppy [3k?]: unexpectedhilarious [1d]: 4 stones at top left now somehow look random :)AndroidKs [4k]: p17?lalalalala [1k]: time for a breakcthufoo [6k?]: wow, seems too conservativeJEGO [9k]: cautious catalin's move because cutting white possiblelalalalala [1k]: not conservativekillerGO [5k]: they both left^^Captcavern [6k]: i dont thinklalalalala [1k]: aiming at cutCaptcavern [6k]: *jegokillerGO [5k]: i would go there and mess this up :)lalalalala [1k]: make a fist before you hit ^_^];W[nc]C[JEGO [9k]: i know CatalinCaptcavern [6k]: w cant o15seppy [3k?]: nicebrule: That little boy was 7p.killerGO [5k]: lol, he look so suprised it a girlNamastee [2d]: seems good for wkillerGO [5k]: he didnt look at the board at allbrule: Almost like the kibitzers. lalalalala [1k]: b is finekillerGO [5k]: just staring at the girl :)brule: Like me. ^^cromagnon [3k]: wow what a game what happened or what didnt happen at the top leftJEGO [9k]: catalin forced to connect at o15 nowlalalalala [1k]: kikashi ?JEGO [9k]: yeahsolei: p 16Syptryn [3d]: p-16 is sente connectAndroidKs [4k]: black gets punished good, hahalalalalala [1k]: Q10 is fadingMrFofi [3d]: q15killerGO [5k]: EuroGo... when the great white hope form ukraine plays his game?solei: q 15 - p16brule: Check his info.JEGO [9k]: if catalin play R17 what happen?A1R [5k]: who is this guy in front of the stage?A1R [5k]: pro?Namei [8k]: if he r17PQnelson [23k?]: piki- cherlalalalala [1k]: b looks puzzledNamei [8k]: he white will o15MrFofi [3d]: p17?Encor [5k]: if b p16, w will p15 JEGO [9k]: this move put catalin in troubletoko [2k]: R17 is not possible any more.... I think :-)killerGO [5k]: doesnt say...maybe Artem didnt make it :/Chameau20 [11k]: O 16 ?qgo [4k]: p 10 ?Namei [8k]: p17 would make corner bigger right?Namei [8k]: i mean if black played itXRF [1d]: q15 may be better?go4an [9k]: this game broadcasting?brule: http://eurogotv.com/index.php?menu=Live&channel=EuroGoTV2go4an [9k]: thxMrFofi [3d]: p17 conect sentePQnelson [23k?]: so much lag on this video dudelalalalala [1k]: still thinking ^^romamu [-]: how much time left?lalalalala [1k]: 45mlose [?]: im rooting for taranu i saw one of his vids and it helped me alot ^^EuroGoTV2 [-]: b 10 min w 35 minlalalalala [1k]: he does go vids ?Encor [5k]: p17 o16 lose [?]: theres a few on youtube ^^lose [?]: daily 123 go lessonswhiterhino [11k]: yep check u tubebrule: EuroGoTV1 [-]: Artem wil play the 7p tonoght and Ilia the 9pPQnelson [23k?]: what timelalalalala [1k]: nicelalalalala [1k]: who's the invited pro ?PQnelson [23k?]: guess i aint gettin dat answerlalalalala [1k]: Luo Xihe, lolbrule: Check Eurogotv1's info.lalalalala [1k]: what a treat !!];B[nh];W[mi];B[oj]C[brule: Hmm...lalalalala [1k]: bye bye Q10MrZNF [2d]: q10 can be savedlose [?]: catalin is squirming in his seat "i think i got her"];W[ok]C[lalalalala [1k]: maybelalalalala [1k]: still nice for bPQnelson [23k?]: i soooo saw that move comin];B[nj]C[lalalalala [1k]: oh wellMrZNF [2d]: o wowMrZNF [2d]: that's nicelalalalala [1k]: want to save it ? :-)lose [?]: rawr];W[mj];B[pk]C[MrZNF [2d]: o this is pretty sucky =(saimic [2k]: and w still has aji at n9jamesbonds [5k]: biglalalalala [1k]: O15 is no problem nowPQnelson [23k?]: dude their moves are so predictablelalalalala [1k]: well maybeAndroidKs [4k]: kill the triangleNamastee [2d]: biglalalalala [1k]: start a go carrier if you can predic this gamegvyjhj: w much thickyjhyhtyh11: Wlalalalala [1k]: time to tease F13 group !MrZNF [2d]: yeah, w needs something therelose [?]: still got n9 to worry aboutKoukkaaja [3d]: go carrier from Sun Tzu?lalalalala [1k]: small peanuts =pisbhal [-]: $$lose [?]: m14 2];W[np]C[MrZNF [2d]: yeah, n9 is annoyinglalalalala [1k]: buuuh];B[op]C[MrZNF [2d]: w tries to solve it in sente?lalalalala [1k]: what did this solve ?MrZNF [2d]: no ideakuikentje [3d]: I think he just wants to flatten the lower sideMrZNF [2d]: she*lalalalala [1k]: heheMrZNF [2d]: !lose [?]: xD she's like what do i do now in the vidlalalalala [1k]: go Yanqi !!!PQnelson [23k?]: not many mor options if you ask meMrZNF [2d]: b got so much cash on the right side, how did this happen :(AndroidKs [4k]: o15 kill!Icare [1d]: now the four upper b stones seem to be in a strange positionlalalalala [1k]: and b is like, please let me cut ^^];W[oo]C[MrZNF [2d]: over 40 points therewhiterhino [11k]: sounds like baseball "go yanqi" :°))Encor [5k]: p17 lalalalala [1k]: lol];B[nq]C[PQnelson [23k?]: ok for real tho, all yanqi's moves are so predictable its ridiculouswossname [5d]: wat];W[mp]C[lalalalala [1k]: you called my champion ridiculous, you, a 23k ?];B[mk]C[PQnelson [23k?]: i talk gobrule: ya man 4 realz tholose [?]: hurray n9gopro [1k]: if you predicted F13, then youre a strong 23kPQnelson [23k?]: i cant play thoMrZNF [2d]: now this seems really bad for whitelose [?]: lolMrZNF [2d]: b got to cut and w didn't accomplish anything on the bottemMrZNF [2d]: seems as if it would've been better to not have done anything there at all rather then thiswossname [5d]: w is doing a reduce thing bro.. dont be so meanEncor [5k]: p8 ?MrZNF [2d]: I'm sorry I'm mean, but that's what I think :(MrZNF [2d]: seems to me it would've been better to just n7MrZNF [2d]: gote, but fixes all problems];W[ml];B[lk];W[ll];B[kk]C[PQnelson [23k?]: id say the same actuallyseppy [3k?]: b has f13 and o15 problemsMrZNF [2d]: now w has two groups to worry about :(bert [1d]: how can someone be 23k?MrZNF [2d]: f13 is lightwossname [5d]: n6 almost fixes completelylose [?]: 015 getting bigMrZNF [2d]: and o15 is no problembert [1d]: u cant be 23k for mora than a weekMrZNF [2d]: o15 o16 p15 p16 q15 p17 lose [?]: yeahlalalalala [1k]: she let him cutlose [?]: i just sawMrZNF [2d]: o15 doesn't help at allPQnelson [23k?]: i just re-activated my accountlalalalala [1k]: he must be exultating !MrZNF [2d]: otherwise b would play p16MrZNF [2d]: would sente solve itsolei: all white influence and center looks like fifty-fiftyPQnelson [23k?]: but... i still dont play wellMrZNF [2d]: black has the upperhand now bert [1d]: U should enjoy ur 23k while it lastsMrFofi [3d]: m14 cut];W[kl];B[jk]C[PQnelson [23k?]: hehelalalalala [1k]: and pushMrZNF [2d]: m14 l14 m13 l12 lalalalala [1k]: from behind :/Namei [8k]: ...Puddle [12k]: 23k doesn't last really long unless you really sucksolei: help f 13MrZNF [2d]: m14 l14 l13 would make false eye I guess];W[jh]C[lalalalala [1k]: b doesn't need to help F13 anymoreAmerBeton [6k]: cuttin pushin pushin pushinAmerBeton [6k]: zzzzzzzPQnelson [23k?]: i keep tellin you i dont play welllalalalala [1k]: w did that for him];B[jl]C[PQnelson [23k?]: but i analyze awesomelyckg [-]: keep the comments related to the game thankslalalalala [1k]: ouchlalalalala [1k]: game looks overMrZNF [2d]: this hurts so muchCaptcavern [6k]: w play fast, i would need time at this point AmerBeton [6k]: just hane ?lalalalala [1k]: O4 seq maybe too fast :/MrZNF [2d]: game not over, but it's a real tough game for white now and I doubt her endgame is better then Catalin's];W[jm]C[PQnelson [23k?]: she's tryin to get somethin outta thisNamei [8k]: hehbrule: Nice analysis.MrZNF [2d]: I doubt she will :(lalalalala [1k]: cannot beat pro on endgame skill :/lose [?]: i hate endgamelalalalala [1k]: they are too well trainedAsaliuru [7k]: i hate golose [?]: looking at most valued moves is annoyinglose [?]: ^^sloppyplay [10k?]: it seems w's position doesn't look good.lose [?]: wth theres a dude standing there eating chips....lalalalala [1k]: K8 too big];B[kp]C[lalalalala [1k]: wowlose [?]: pow right ina kissersloppyplay [10k?]: unless w can capture the 4 black stones at the center?lalalalala [1k]: can attack and tease them, but not capturelose [?]: think they just there for fun ^^];W[kn]C[whiterhino [11k]: don'think that from a pro lose [?]: b got more cash from w trying to get cash ^^lalalalala [1k]: b can go in won game modelose [?]: lol being sarcasticsloppyplay [10k?]: b has a big piece of cake at right side.seppy [3k?]: n6?Namei [8k]: i think L9 is whites targetlose [?]: and now downlow];B[cg]C[PQnelson [23k?]: he could annyalate her if he wants tolose [?]: catalin smiled xDlose [?]: when he got c13Arkienkeli [5k]: Can you watch this live???lose [?]: yupevanj [2d]: what do you think you're doing right now?Arkienkeli [5k]: address lose [?]: http://eurogotv.com/index.php?menu=Live&channel=EuroGoTV2evanj [2d]: oh, on video you meanbrule: http://eurogotv.com/index.php?menu=Live&channel=EuroGoTV2gvyjhj: w o15 severe?Arkienkeli [5k]: dont be a smartass evanevanj [2d]: sorry, can't help it, it's in my bloodlalalalala [1k]: not reallylose [?]: nopeevanj [2d]: my daddy was a smartass, his daddy was a smartass...lose [?]: hahalalalalala [1k]: we got that =pArkienkeli [5k]: welcome to my carebox I_Ievanj [2d]: your what?brule: Take the schoolyard bickering elsewhere?Arkienkeli [5k]: careboxlalalalala [1k]: haha evanj you chatting with troll ?evanj [2d]: i don't know what a carebox is :(MrZNF [2d]: evanj is a troll himself :D];W[fd]C[Arkienkeli [5k]: its a box which shows how much i care about your dad being a smartass look its this small I_Ievanj [2d]: oh, i understand now! that's actually fairly clever.lose [?]: man i was supposed to be playing go to get a rank today, curse u awsome distracting pro go game D: